Visit FIPPA's new official website (, please! Newsletter Quiz Sponsor - VISION + GOLF BALLS

VISION + Golf Balls were conceived and designed by Australians Bill and Wayne Bosley of BOZGOLF.
Bill and Wayne were Titleist distributors in Australia for over 20 years, introducing the brand to many of Australia's leading players.
Now they have ventured out on their own and design and manufacture their own specialist golf balls, with the brightly coloured VISION + ball their most prominent product.
The balls feature distinctive colouring as well as a highly glossy finish and have a large than normal number so that it is easier for the player to distinguish their ball.
A huge hit with the younger players, these balls are also very popular with seniors players due to the vision enhanced qualities of the ball.
Bill and Wayne are eager to get involved in the Pitch and Putt market and are working together with APPA in Australia.

As a special promotion for FIPPA readers, VISION golf have offered two dozen balls and two calendars as prizes for the Quiz in's current newsletter.
For further information about VISION Golf, visit the companies website here... or you can view their sales website here...

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Engi, Switzerland

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